Welcome to the Learn it! Try it! Apply It!
A new online course to introduce K-12 teachers to the principles of design thinking and human-centered design
In this series, you'll explore human-centered design through the "why", the "how" and the "do"! Each course has a general topic explored through lessons that present the theory, provide the practice and conclude with opportunities to apply these ideas in your classroom.
1) Introducing human-centered design (HCD) and design-thinking (DT);
2) Introducing to the SCD taxonomy, a framework for understanding the HCD approach;
3) Aligning your classroom learning objectives and state learning standards to the practice of HCD;
4) Diving deeper into specific areas of practice such as processes, techniques, and concrete activities;
5) Understanding how HCD and DT contribute to important mindset development for your students;
6) And, you can “Make the Connection” through reflection postings on the discussion board throughout.
Learning Outcomes You Can Expect
Upon successful completion of this series, you will:
Identify the key elements of human-centered design and design thinking that make this combination a unique problem-solving approach.
Make initial connections between human-centered design and design thinking, the mindsets they support and academic standards you need to meet.
Get to know the SCD taxonomy that describes how the human-centered design process works and be able to start thinking as a design-thinker.
Be prepared to use human-centered design in your classroom, your building and your district.
Digging Deeper with Helpful Resources
SCD Course Printable Resources
- Key Summary Points, Lesson One: An Introduction to Human-Centered Design
- Key Summary Points, Lesson One: Mindsets and Applying Design Thinking to Learning Standards
- Key Summary Points, Lesson Two: Introduction to the SCD Taxonomy
Human-Centered Design + Design Thinking
Aflatoony, L., Wakkary, R., & Neustaedter, C. (2018). Becoming a design thinker: Assessing the learning process of students in a secondary level design thinking course. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 37(3), 438-453.
Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), 1–9.
Goldman, S., & Kabayadondo, Z. (Eds.). (2017). Taking design thinking to school: How the technology of design can transform teachers, learners, and classrooms. New York, NY: Routledge
Kelley, T. R. (2017). Design sketching: A lost skill. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 76(8), 8-12.
Lawrence, L., Shehab, S., & Tissenbaum, M. (in preparation). The Development and Implementation of a Taxonomy for Teaching and Learning Human-Centered Design.
Noel, L. A., & Liub, T. L. (2017). Using design thinking to create a new education paradigm for elementary level children for higher student engagement and success. Design and Technology Education, 22(1), 1-12.
Pressman, A. (2018). Design thinking: A guide to creative problem solving for everyone. Routledge.
Human-Centered Design + Stem
Cook, K. L., & Bush, S. B. (2018). Design thinking in integrated STEAM learning: Surveying the landscape and exploring exemplars in elementary grades. School Science and Mathematics, 118(3-4), 93-103.
Johns, G., & Mentzer, N. (2016). STEM integration through design and inquiry. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 76(3), 13-17.
Kangas, K., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., & Hakkarainen, K. (2013). Design thinking in elementary students’ collaborative lamp designing process. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 18(1), 30-43.
Macalalag Jr, A., Johnson, B., & Johnson, J. (2018). STEM-ify me: It's elementary! Designing butterfly wings. Science and Children, 55(9), 76-82.
Human-Centered Design + Humanities + Arts
Bekker, T., Bakker, S., Douma, I., Van Der Poel, J., & Scheltenaar, K. (2015). Teaching children digital literacy through design-based learning with digital toolkits in schools. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 5, 29-38.
Carroll, M., Goldman, S., Britos, L., Koh, J., Royalty, A., & Hornstein, M. (2010). Destination, imagination and the fires within: Design thinking in a middle school classroom. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 29(1), 37-53.
Coleman, M. C. (2016). Design thinking and the school library. Knowledge Quest, 44(5), 62-68.
Mark A. Graham (2020.) Deconstructing the Bright Future of STEAM and Design Thinking. Art Education, 73(3), 6-12.
Henriksen, D. (2017) Creating STEAM with Design Thinking: Beyond STEM and Arts Integration. The STEAM Journal: 3(1), Article 11.
Watson, A. D. (2015). Design thinking for life. Art Education, 68(3), 12-18.